An Internal Struggle
Published on May 20, 2004 By psychx In Philosophy
A few years back I was at a carnival with my then girlfriend at one of the games which you play to win certain prizes. Needless to say machismo took over and I emptied my resources on the game. The game consisted of shooting an air-gun at balloons that were 20 feet away. After many tries and with much bravado I actually won in a flurry of popped balloons. I gave my girlfriend the “I told you so” look at which point she pointed at my empty wallet. Although I wasted more money than I would humbly admit to the anticipation was awarded with a choice of two prizes. I could either have two small teddy bears-one for me and one for my girlfriend-or I could choose a giant pink rabbit. Herein lies the argument I pose in this blog. The choice came down to a basic quantitative decision, the old quality versus quantity curse we fall prey to when making similar decisions. In this instance I could opt to share a prize of higher quality or have one of my own to keep. I opted to give her the rabbit considering the amount of money I had spent and the fact that I didn’t feel like carrying around a teddy bear. Not all decisions are this easy when it comes to quality or quantity. The aforementioned example was to place the concept into terms which anyone can relate to. Life itself is full of such decisions on smaller scales to life altering decisions.
In this blog I will go over certain instances, situations, and/or decisions which involve choosing between a higher quantity of an object we desire at the cost of its quality (how much it’s worth, how much we personally value each one) or choosing one or a few of that same desire which yields a higher satisfaction per each one. We are often confronted with deciding which one we want and usually cannot have both. This applies in most cases that involve objects of value, time, worship, life, love, and finances. Each one of these I have mentioned can place that dilemma in our path which acts like a fork in the road. The analysis of the argument can be different for any individual. Value in itself is intrinsic for what one individual may hold dear another finds worthless. This argument in essence is an argument for value, or what holds the most importance to any given person. Collectively it is nearly impossible to define everyone’s values universally. With that said I’m going to give it a shot based on my own opinions and on common sense.

Time is unforgiving in its constant advancement; it never stops and wise men would say to use it wisely. When it comes to loved ones time matters greatly or in other words how much you spend it with a person can determine the outcome of the relationship. With today’s busy lifestyle many people are always on the run with 5 minute microwave dinners, cellular phones and I can’t fit you into my schedule attitudes. Comparatively there are those who hardly work and cannot attain the same financial status but have a lot more free time and live a sharply contrasting life to that of the overachievers. That’s where the issue of time spent reaches the symbolic fork on the road. We spend time with loved ones usually on a daily basis but the argument lies whether we should spend more time with loved ones or whether we should plan ahead and improve the quality of time we spend with people we care for. Let’s say I have kids who I spend time with everyday, I opt for quantity and spend a lot of time with them, all this closeness may cause tension especially when dealing with adolescents. The amount of time spent may or may not improve a relationship which consequently lowers the quality of the time. Each minute would mean less because there are more of them to go around. If I opt for quality then I would select a predetermined time and make sure I spend it well with whoever I decide to spend it with. Every minute would be anticipated and if spent well cherished. This also has its own drawbacks. When it comes to those we trust we tend to feel closer to people we are around with all the time. Remember your parents getting on your nerves because they were always on your back? When we no longer have them around we start missing them, it goes hand in hand with the saying you don’t know what you have until it’s gone. Personally I prefer to spend as much time as I can with my loved ones. The quality is not necessarily what is important in my opinion but one can become closer to someone else depending on the quantity of time.

Finances are held to be important and have been since advent of currency. This obsession of ours with money can be traced back to the beginning of recorded history in clay Sumerian tablets depicting counting of an individual’s possessions. There is no argument when it comes to money, quantity is the aggressor and almost all possession can be defined into monetary units. Taking that into consideration the real argument seems to be how we spend any accumulated wealth whether it is through possessions or sheer amount of currency. As a college student money is not in abundance and I must entertain the notion that how I spend it is what counts. Purchasing any thing I want or need is usually something I must reflect on and weigh comparatively. Let us say for instance that I go grocery shopping I must weigh my options when making purchases. If I come across the meat section I must select what I will eat between many different options. Here is the symbolic fork in the road. If I want to eat filet mignon it will cost around the same amount as four pork chops. I would likely enjoy the filet mignon considerably more than one generic pork chop of no particular brand. The quality would win out when putting the same amount of filet mignon and pork chops, but we are purchasing four pork chops which will last longer than one single filet mignon. Should I eat very well for one meal or enjoy four separate meals that I would consider bland? This situation can be considered for any purchase as there is always something of higher quality with a higher price. Unfortunately there are other variables that one must consider. I would need to buy more filet mignon to eat for a couple days but it would be over my budget so although I would enjoy it more, I would not want to be hungry for a couple days with nothing to eat and only a memory of the filet mignon. It seems that in this stage of my life practicality will win out and I would opt for the sensible larger quantity. It seems the argument of quality versus quantity is one of sacrifice when dealing with financial decisions.

I know some will gasp and some will object but I will go into the religious realm of spirituality. Quality versus quantity can be applied concerning beliefs so I will try to define it as clearly as I can. In this world there are numerous different organized religious beliefs as well as individual beliefs that are as different as night and day. Describing all of them with credibility and justice would be too much of a diverging path from the subject matter so I will simply generalize it into spiritual terms. When it comes to believing in a religion or way of life an individual can go from the extremes of devoting their whole life to their beliefs to simply not believing anything at all. The argument of quality and quantity comes into play in that same way. Organized religion would prefer that one devote their life and live according to any values or rules of that religion. You have to devote time into going to church or a temple of some sort two to three times a week and as such are expected to follow any established regimens such as praying to Allah at a certain time or praying to Jesus before going to bed. All beliefs should and can be respected so the quantity of time you spend on it is all up to the individual. The quantity of time an individual devotes to spirituality does not directly impact the quality of that relationship. In the real world someone can go to church 7 times a week but not necessarily have a real passion for what they are doing. It can be done to uphold an image or even to conform to the norm but deep down inside one may not truly embrace their spirituality. Quality it seems is considered important in most religions. One must maintain a life according to their beliefs and must be passionate enough to maintain it through the course of their life. Without quality of worship, the amount of time that is spent is not as meaningful and in some beliefs a negative aspect. So is the amount of time one devotes in spirituality even important? This question is different for most individuals but in my opinion is not as important as the quality.

Relationships are as varied as there are stars in the night sky. Most people have had at least one bad relationship that did not work out and depending on age it might include several. Many are frustrated with their inability to find Mr./Ms. Right and some are simply not looking and complacent with their current life. The perspective one can take here is influenced by many variables from what age we are to where and how we spent our childhoods. The concept of relationships can vary and occurs at times spontaneously. The argument for quality over quantity in relationships is simple yet the solution remains obscure. Essentially there are two viewpoints; the desire to have many different relationships or sexual partners and the desire to find one singular meaningful relationship. In this instance one’s background heavily influences what type of relationship will make us happy. Age is also an important factor because one must be truly mature before completely establishing what will make them happy and how to treat their partner. When we are younger especially in our teenage years, inexperience can be a disadvantage. Every adult I met when I was younger advised me to not settle down until I was older and more experienced. Of course teenagers in love rarely listen to reason and if love is blind than one can be seen as deaf and blind when in love while still young. This does not mean that one cannot have a fulfilling relationship it just proves to be more difficult. So the aspect of quantity or to have many relationships might be a better choice while one is younger. As one ages and gains wisdom, likes and dislikes are much more established and understanding of what makes us happy is more defined. Through middle adulthood after age thirty, I believe quality is more important. Finding someone to settle down with can be rewarding experience if we want to embrace the traditional family role.
Philosophically the two paths in relationships are more complex. Depending on one’s life and influences an individual may not be happy settled down. Some of us even during relationships that are stable may desire other partners being faithful can prove to be a challenge. When this occurs we must weigh our options and decide what would be more satisfying in the long run. To live a life full of physical gratification may not provide someone with the emotional fulfillment that a long-term relationship will provide. Consequently having more partners may not truly make a person happy but will give them some satisfaction. There are many different influences that affect one’s love life and I think the question of quality versus quantity should be answered taking age into account.

If this article was a human body then this portion would be the heart or the one that affects and includes all others. How to live our life is the most important decision that anyone can make. Our parents try and teach us and slowly prepare us for the decisions that will lead us past that aforementioned fork in the road. Everyone seems to have an opinion and advice about this subject. Well once again it all depends on personality. Each person’s life structure is unique and decisions are made daily that may impact us in the future. The different paths we can take can be thought of as a scale with the extremes lying on opposite sides. Unfortunately Since I cannot post an image at this part I will try to explain the scale as best as I can.

Extreme one on the left side is simply living your life in the moment embracing immediate self-gratification with a disregard for the future emphasizing the quality of life over the length or quantity. Extreme two on the right side is living your life completely focusing on the length, “playing it safe” always being cautious concerning decisions, and not living in the moment or in other words analyzing decisions before making them. Extreme two embraces the notion of a longer life or quantity of life. It is a scale that increases in extremity the farther you go right or left. There also middle ground life structures which would lie directly in the middle of the scale. Middle ground one is living a life planning ahead but also making decisions based on wants or desires. Middle ground two is basically living in the moment while young but planning on settling down once one reaches a certain age. Between the two extremities of quality and quantity lie an almost infinite amount of choices which would determine each individual’s life. The concept of which one is better depends on what a person wants to do with their own life. I cannot give an answer that will solve this question for everyone. The choice is left to the individual but the advice I can give is to live using the middle ground philosophy, you must enjoy life now but plan accordingly so you can enjoy life in the future and for a long period of time.

The concept of quality versus quantity is a long running argument. It can be considered as complex and difficult to answer as the concept of morality. To establish a certain solution or law everyone would have to have at least similar desires. The question can also change depending on the situation. Throughout my life experiences I have learned to always have an open mind only then may I find a solution to a problem that seems over my head. Being a flexible person is important I believe. Please feel free to comment
I would like to thank Mignuna for the idea to write this blog.

on May 25, 2004
You get out of it what you put into it . . . although at some point insanity will takeover (the stuffed animal at the carnival) and the results will only have meaning for the insane. This insanity is more like an obsession rather than rational determination. This insanity can be fleeting (the pink rabbit) or permanent (killing oneself for the mothership behind the comet.) Quality vs. Quantity is a abstract decision based on one's own concept of reality.

on May 26, 2004
hey psychx. sorry i took so long.

i really enjoyed this and read it several times. i love how you applied the concept in such a personal way. it could be used in the same way by anybody reading it, if they chose to do so.

interestingly, i agree with you on most but not all of your points ... what a difference your 30's make to some things ... it was good to have your views - they made me realise in way how i have shifted internally without knowing it sometimes.

your major topics are great, too. it gets hard to stop, doesn't it ?. your point about morality having similar constraints and arguments was particularly good ... i wonder if you'd consider expanding that one too when you get 5 minutes .

mig XX
on May 26, 2004
You could always choose to think and perceive beyond the quantitative/qualitative dichotomy.

This is a very structural way of analysing life and its execution through choice. This isn't a bad thing on its own, and is more than helpful when applied to the taxonomy of things, but comes up short when dealing with mutliplicity and plurality.

In most of the everyday cases you have used as examples, the choices are clear but not because of any merit or deficiency arising out of either the objective perception of quantity or the subjective, sometimes moral determination of quality, and then the weighing of the two. The choices are usually clear because of that nagging thing that follows you around everywhere you go - personality and all its accompanying baggage - motivation, learning, intelligence, memory. chemistry, etc, etc.

Most of the time we do not have to choose, the choice has already been made for us, by us, just without us knowing. We can use reason to interject and change behavioural patterns and the natural bias we slant our decisions with, but this is rare and it is an even rarer occassion to meet a human who practices this on a regular basis.

Nice article.

on May 26, 2004
The choices are usually clear because of that nagging thing that follows you around everywhere you go - personality and all its accompanying baggage - motivation, learning, intelligence, memory. chemistry, etc, etc.

as i said, the 30's make a difference with all of these such things applied (at least, the solidifiction of some of them through time). this article had a real impact on me in that way.

and marco, i don't view this type of process as something to think "beyond" in cases of multiplicity. i do beleive that we choose, or rather, that in NOT choosing, or in accepting the default option, we do make an ultimate choice. in all things.

mig XX

on May 26, 2004
What i meant by multiplicity, is that when you face life as it is, especially in matters of love, death and how one should live life, binaries do not come into play. Life itself has very little interest in our differentiations and distinctions. You can only really choose, and in choose i actually mean decide (a word that implies an analytical choice), when we use our faculty of reason, when we split the world into small descrete packages that might not be representative of the world we are judging. If we accept that this is a rare occurence, real choice, choice independent of personality and subjective experience, choice that is not based on phenomenological (all consciousness) interactions, also becomes a rare occurence.

To decide based on quality on one hand, and quality on the other, is to bring into conflict two parts of the human condition that are at war with each other. One is the positivistic perception of some thing and its multiplicity and the other is the value judgment of the worth of the thing, experience or multiplicity. We are not even biologically equip to reconcile these two vastly different forms of existence. This brings me to the idea that we choose without choosing. That every choice we make could not have been otherwise. Just don't mistake this for me saying that there is no free will or that i believe in predetermination.

I guess my point hinges on the following: To choose we must use reason; reason differentiates and renders things as being descrete; in the matter of using quality and quantity as the basis for choice, one must be determined by reason, the other by the rest of human consciousness or unconsciousness, perhaps with reason, but not exclusively; the world is not as we perceive it to be as reason dictates, it must always take form as belief, as faith; given the complexity of resolving this collusion and entanglement and the inadequete means we have been given to both discern and analyse this complexity, mechanisms that we are not conscious of determine our choices before we become aware of them; our struggle with choice is the introduction of the painful possibility of free will, the possibility that we could change the pre-determined choice.

God. Now i don't even make sense to myself

There's a valid point in there somewhere. I can't remember why i was making it. I have been smiling all this time, so it must have been something good.

If you can figure it out, tell me.

Fascinating subject though.

on May 26, 2004
Come to think of it...sorry about that last comment. That was me listening to myself think, there are other places i can do that.

on May 26, 2004
during my first year in high school i encountered 'career day' for the first time. it may be called something else now or in other places but im guessing most people are familiar the process. employers and representatives of various occupations that appeal to highschoolers show up and pitch their profession and then take questions. near the end of this thrilling glimpse into the real world of cosmetology (i was intrigued to discover so many of the chicks in my class wanted to explore space) my homeroom teacher forgot who she was dealing with and asked me outta the blue what type of work interested me careerwise. i told her i wasnt considering work as a career which seemed to piss her off but then i realized she was trying really hard not to laugh.

over the next couple years i altered and refined the concept cause not working at all will only carry ya so far unless you have a trust fund. the next best alternative it seemed to me then--and still does--is a patchwork quilt kinda career. everyone has to produce his or her own section of the great tapestry that is life. as long as you fill in the allotted area, patching together varied sizes and types of material works just as well as whole cloth and is, if nothing else, more interesting.

youre definitely on the right track as far as im concerned. quality trumps quantity. time isnt money. no matter how shrewdly you invest, you arent gonna wind up with one second more.
on May 27, 2004

Thank you all for your feedback.  Needless to say I am happy that the article was liked by someone other than me because believe me this one was a little challenging.  I am sorry I took so long to respond but I am currently in the process of building a new computer which limits me to only being able to post at work. 

csmac - well your response was somewhat eccentric but the last line hit it accurately.

Quality vs. Quantity is a abstract decision based on one's own concept of reality.
  Our concept of reality would include what we value and what we don't which is essentially how we base our decisions, it is also usually personal.

Mig- You were the reason that I wrote this article so I am glad that you enjoyed it.  I thought I would make it personal so anyone reading it could relate and understand how we make decisions like these daily without us even realizing it at times.  I agree that we evolve as we get older and may change our views and our feelings because through time and experience we always gain wisdom.

Marco- There are many different variables that influence what we decide.  Culture itself plays one of the biggest roles like the idea of eating insects is completely appaling here in the U.S. yet other places think they are a delicacy.  With the argument of quality versus quantity we will mostly decide on what we exclusively find appealing.  Physiologically even our bodies sometimes make us crave things like food without us even knowing that we need it.  You are right though it is rare to find someone who makes decisions based on completely knowing themselves, flaws and strengths.  I always liked how Freud used the iceberg as a metaphor for our consciousness how we have 3 underlying parts the id which is what we desire the superego which is our morality in a sense and the mediator the ego. 

Kingbee- I like how you compare life to a tapestry since we can always be cultured and have diverse beliefs.  When it comes to making the decision of working more to make more money or working less to have more time it is carefully weighed by everyone but again it depends on what you want most to be a greater success by sacrificing time or to have more time but not become as successful.