A few months back I wrote a blog and went off on a rant. It was to showcase my extreme discontent and passive venting, at what I had discovered in the morning. It seems my favorite morning talk show, titled the Howard Stern show, had been taken off the air. Shocked as I was, I was also outraged considering all the enforcing the FCC had been doing at that time. I also knew they had pressured Clear Channel to drop him from the Orlando market, among other cities, where I live. Some say that Howard Stern was dropped because all the Bush-bashing he participated in prior to his departure, yet others just think he is morally corrupt and has an obscene talk show. Whatever the reason or whether you love him or hate him when I found out this morning that he was back on it reassured me that our Freedom of Speech is still intact. The simple freedom of turning on the radio and listening to someone that I like was back. It's ironic that the pressure that was placed on Clear Channel and the FCC's bullying actually paid off for Howard Stern boosting his ratings and actually bringing him to 3 more markets than the 6 he was taken off of. Whether this is short lived is up to debate but I am glad he is back.