Published on February 26, 2004 By psychx In Current Events
As the two current articles that I have posted really only have to do with my own self analyzing and questions that dwell within my own mind this will be sort of a detachment of that since I am a little outraged with what is currently developing within the media politics and basically every aspect of life. When I was driving to work this morning I turn on the radio to ofcourse listen to my favorite morning program Howard Stern. My residence is in orlando and clear channel is the provider of the Stern show for this and six other cities. Lo and behold Howard stern had vanished. Of course being an avid reader of current events I new exactly why it was gone. My actual point is here is one of disgust and disdain for the current development of the fcc's strict strangle hold on all media. Now I can understand how some people can consider howard stern as indecent because in reality his show is just that. What irks me here is the fact that these critics are currently trying to impose their lifestyle on the general population. I mean what one man finds offensive another man may find humorous. I thought that this country was based on the Ideals that no one should ever impose any way of thinking or living i.e. religion on another person. That is what I feel is going on in this country. I recently heard that the fcc is considering putting restrictions on what CABLE television may show, channels such as h.b.o are currently in their sights. This affects me directly as I currently enjoy listening to howard stern watching gripping dramas and other shows on hbo without any strict restrictions. I know I am not alone because howard stern was the self proclaimed king of all media. What has been happening lately with all the "moral" and "ethical" standards that the bush administration is trying to place on the entire country. The last time I checked I didn't wake up in North Korea this morning I woke up in a supposedly free country where a man can go from having a simple Ideal to making himself rich of off it. What is going on? Am I the only one to notice the blatant offensive imposing Ideals that this administration is forcing down our throats? I mean what is going on I can understand wanting to keep the country morally acceptable but the last time I checked It was not illegal to be christian or live as a muslim or to think in a number of ways including being an atheist. I am christian but even I think this is all ridiculous. There are numerous religious guidelines that are being integrated into the constitution and into our everyday lives isn't this illegal. This whole ban on gay marriages issue doesn't involve me but I mean it is a blatant distraction of what this president is trying to do. Let us face it Iraq is falling apart and bush is at fault. He tries to distract the media by bringing a very controversial matter into the limelight. Lets not forgot the ailing economy education unemployment and ridiculous foreign policy which I can easily predict he will try to better by the election date just to get voters to vote for him. I can already see him trying to talk to other countries leaders. I am as patriotic as the come I know this because everything that is going on brings such an emotional response from me but I actually considered moving to another country if things keep going in the direction they are going I know I will probably be criticized for saying that but whats next regulations on internet, email, what books we can check out at libraries what bumper stickers can be placed on cars. You all know who I blame I blame janet jackson she started this whole media circus with indecency yeah I will blame her for now since this post is more of angry one than anything else. Does anyone agree with me.
on Feb 26, 2004
One more thing I am a strong believer in God and I want to make sure I say that