Published on February 27, 2004 By psychx In Current Events
I love reading and watching new technology that is introduced. Since the year 2000 I have noticed that almost every single day someone somewhere invents something extraordinary. It is amazing how far human kind has come in the last 20 years. The advent of the microchip revolutionized the world. I was watching this tv show last night on the science channel called war 2020. They exhibit new technologies that would be used as military applications. It was varied and imaginative from Plama projectiles to the ability to cloak. I've looked up the website on cloaking before
and all these things are currently under development. Human kind has come such a long way from the days of world war II. the battlefield will certainly change in the next 20 years and hopefully all the technology that is under development will bring an end to casualties of war. I saw this application they use now in some uprising in africa where the us military used what they called a "laser blade" which is just an augmentation of a laser sight so as to disorient the enemy well in the footage they talked about the actual enemy ran for cover they didn't know what this technology was due to the fact that there country is underdeveloped but they actually ran in fear although it is shocking to see the effect of the American military on third world countries it was overall positive due to the fact not a single shot was fired.
The point is through all the dark and shameful deaths of past wars all one has to hope for now is that technology will lead the way into fighting new wars were there will be no casualties. All these visions are at hand and we can achieve through sheer will and commitment. that is a positive vision for the future and it fill me with hope of mankinds advancement

on Feb 29, 2004
It's sad, though, that technology has been used to develop one of the worst warfare systems - the biological warfare system. The threat (in the form of viruses) has been more difficult to contain, and people have become paranoid over these years.
on Feb 29, 2004
Paranoid is an understatement atleast in the U.S.... I look at it more like "terror" no pun intended.