Published on February 28, 2004 By psychx In Current Events
This is the information era the 21st century where I can communicate whenever I want with people all the way on the other side of the planet instantaneous. The globalization of commerce, industry, politics, and many more aspects of everyday life will only increase. With all that said what will the future of languages become? English is not seen as the future dominant language anymore and actual current predictions state that there will be more multi-lingual people in the near future. I can talk to someone in France online but I don't speak French someone that can speak French would have an advantage in that aspect. That is looking at it simplistically but in the corporate world one can believe business would prefer a person that can speak two languages as opposed to someone who can only speak their native language. Commerce especially with the advent of the internet are targeting wider consumers than ever before. With all this mingling of different languages one can assume that the world will favor multilingual humans at least in the near future. That or we could all learn chinese I mean that is the predominant language right now...
on Feb 29, 2004
With China emerging, I think ten years from now, people will have to learn Mandarin.
on Feb 29, 2004
Just like English, I remember a trip I took overseas and I spoke to a lot of young students from Italy and France and especially France, many of them spoke English because they teach like 3 different languages in most European schools. It's not too far fetched though to think that Chinese would be a required language in the future.