As the two current articles that I have posted really only have to do with my own self analyzing and questions that dwell within my own mind this will be sort of a detachment of that since I am a little outraged with what is currently developing within the media politics and basically every aspect of life. When I was driving to work this morning I turn on the radio to ofcourse listen to my favorite morning program Howard Stern. My residence is in orlando and clear channel is the provider of...
This is the information era the 21st century where I can communicate whenever I want with people all the way on the other side of the planet instantaneous. The globalization of commerce, industry, politics, and many more aspects of everyday life will only increase. With all that said what will the future of languages become? English is not seen as the future dominant language anymore and actual current predictions state that there will be more multi-lingual people in the near future. I can...
I was at the movie theater last night, where I went to go watch Kill Bill vol. 2 which unfortunately was sold out at 1:00 am. Due to the sell out I ended up watching Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind which I might add is a decent movie, but that is besides the point. I was watching the previews considering I arrived a little too early, and I saw a preview to a movie starring Mandy Moore titled Saved! . The movie basically was kind of a teen date movie but was about religion and I coul...
I just found out that the F.C.C and F.B.I. want to have the ability to tap into internet whenever they'd like. "A far-reaching proposal from the FBI, made public Friday, would require all broadband Internet providers, including cable modem and DSL companies, to rewire their networks to support easy wiretapping by police." So far let us see what the government has in their sights. Radio Indecency: so far a couple of shows have been taken off the ai...
This is the information age. Technology is advancing much faster than morals and ethics. Most people don't know where to stand on the capabilities that humanity has at our disposal. I for one think that the human race should not be reserved when it comes to advancement, making life for all people on Earth better through technology. If there is no other greater purpose for our existence than why not try to better our species, isn't that the essential goal of evolution? On to the topic ...
I love reading and watching new technology that is introduced. Since the year 2000 I have noticed that almost every single day someone somewhere invents something extraordinary. It is amazing how far human kind has come in the last 20 years. The advent of the microchip revolutionized the world. I was watching this tv show last night on the science channel called war 2020. They exhibit new technologies that would be used as military applications. It was varied and imaginative from Plama p...
Last Thursday the Senate Judiciary Committee took a look at a new bill that was proposed last month by Senator Orrin Hatch (Republican - Utah) and Senator Patrick Leahy (Democrat - Vermont) that would basically make any company liable that encourages people to pirate copyrighted material. At first glance one can assume that this bill is a positive proposal that will help stop all the pirating that is currently plagueing the movie, software, and music industry. Upo...